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AdBlockAdvertenties blokkerenBlokkeer advertenties en pop-ups op YouTube, Facebook, Twitch en je favoriete websites.AdBlock voor Chrome werkt automatisch. Klik op 'Toevoegen aan Chromen' en ga dan naar je favoriete website om te zien hoe de advertenties verdwijnen! Bepaal zelf of je niet-storende advertenties wilt blijven zien, advertenties wilt toestaan op je favoriete sites, of alle advertenties standaard wilt blokkeren.AdBlock
Application Launcher for DriveGoogle DriveOpen Drive-bestanden rechtstreeks vanuit je browser in compatibele apps die op je computer zijn geïnstalleerd.This extension from Google lets you open Drive files directly from your browser in compatible applications installed on your computer. Start by installing Google Drive for Mac/PC then simply right-click on the file from Google Drive and select “Open with” to see a list of applications on your computer that can open it.Application Launcher for Drive
ColorZillaPipetGeavanceerde pipet, kleurenkiezer, verloopgenerator en andere kleurrijke extra'sMet ColorZilla kunt u een kleurmeting krijgen van elk punt in uw browser, deze kleur snel aanpassen en deze in een ander programma plakken. ColorZilla
DuckDuckGoPrivacyEenvoudige en naadloze bescherming van je privacy voor in je browser.Het beschermen van je online privacy is als het beschermen van je huis. Dat je de voordeur op slot doet, weerhoudt de meest vastberaden mensen er niet van om tóch binnen te komen, zeker niet als je de achterdeur en ramen niet op slot hebt gedaan en een extra sleutel onder de deurmat hebt laten liggen. Daarom bieden we meerdere soorten privacybescherming, allemaal bedoeld om je privacy in Chrome beter te beschermen. DuckDuckGo
Free Video DownloaderVideoVideo Downloader is a free and useful browser extension for downloading online videosFree Video Downloader allows you to download videos of all known formats: mp4, webm, mpeg, ogg, etc. Free Video Downloader
GoFullPage - Full Page Screen CaptureScreen captureCapture a screenshot of your current page in entirety and reliably—without requesting any extra permissions!\The simplest way to take a full page screenshot of your current browser window. Click on the extension icon (or press Alt+Shift+P), watch the extension capture each part of the page, and be transported to a new tab of your screenshot where you can download it as an image or PDF or even just drag it to your desktop.GoFullPage - Full Page Screen Capture
GuiddeScreen captureMagically create video documentation with AIStappenplannen direct gemaakt vanuit je browser. Guidde
LastpassWachtwoordenWachtwoorden veilig opslaanOnly remember one password - your LastPass master password. Save all your usernames and passwords to LastPass, and it will autologin to your sites and sync your passwords everywhere you need them.Lastpass
MerlinAI plugin1-click access to Powerful AI PluginsMerlin is an All-in-One AI Assistant powered by GPT-4 tMerlin
Meta Pixel HelperMarketingThe Meta Pixel Helper is a troubleshooting tool that helps you validate your pixel implementation.The Facebook Pixel Helper works in the background to look for conversion or Facebook pixels and provide realtime feedback on the implementation. A small number will appear on the Facebook Pixel Helper icon to indicate number of pixel events. When clicked, a panel will expand to show a detailed overview of the page's pixels, including warnings, errors and successes. Meta Pixel Helper
META SEO inspectorMarketingEasily inspect the meta data found inside web pages, find issues and get advices to fix them.This extension is mainly aimed at web developers that need to verify the HTML of their site to follow the Webmasters' Google Guidelines, but even to who is curious about any page contents that are usually not visible, but can reveal interesting site properties.META SEO inspector
Privacy BadgerPrivacyPrivacy Badger leert automatisch onzichtbare volgers te blokkeren.Instead of keeping lists of what to block, Privacy Badger automatically discovers trackers based on their behavior. Privacy Badger sends the Global Privacy Control signal to opt you out of data sharing and selling, and the Do Not Track signal to tell companies not to track you. If trackers ignore your wishes, Privacy Badger will learn to block them.Privacy Badger
Tag ExplorerMarketingFind marketing tags and beacons running on a webpage!Tag Explorer is a tool that shows which marketing tags are running on the page you are currently viewing and what beacons are firing. Whether you want to make sure your analytics tags are firing, check for piggy-backing tags and third party trackers, or to see the hierarchy of how each tag is being loaded, Tag Explorer is the perfect extension for all of your site auditing and privacy needs.Tag Explorer
uBlockAdvertenties blokkerenNo-nonsense-reclameblokkeringuBlock is een reclame- en contentblokkering die ontworpen is om lichtgewicht en efficiënt te zijn. uBlock blokkeert reclame op alle websites, inclusief Facebook en YouTube. uBlock beschermt u ook tegen kwaadaardige crypto-mining scripts die gebruikt worden door sites om uw CPU te gebruiken en uw webbrowsing te vertragen.uBlock
Wappalyzer - Technology profilerWebsite analyseIdentify web technologiesWappalyzer is more than a CMS detector or framework detector: it uncovers more than a thousand technologies in dozens of categories such as programming languages, analytics, marketing tools, payment processors, CRM, CDN and others.Wappalyzer - Technology profiler
YouTube Summary with ChatGPT & ClaudeYouTubeSummarize YouTube videos, web articles, and PDFs to save time, powered by ChatGPT (OpenAI) and Claude (Anthropic).YouTube Summary with ChatGPT & Claude is a free Chrome Extension that lets you quickly summarize YouTube videos, web articles, and PDF you're consuming. Use this extension to save time and learn more quicker. YouTube videos, web articles, and PDF summarization functions are powered by ChatGPT (OpenAI) and Claude (Anthropic).YouTube Summary with ChatGPT & Claude